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Serialyvam.ru: Review of "Stranger Things" Season 2, Episode 10

Are you ready for the ultimate showdown? Season 2, episode 10 of "Stranger Things" is the climax we've all been waiting for. The excitement has been building all season and now we finally get to see how it all ends.

The Plot

In episode 10, titled "The Gate," we see our favorite characters come together to close the gate between our world and the Upside Down. Will is suffering from the effects of being possessed by the Mind Flayer and the team must find a way to save him and close the portal once and for all.

The Action

This episode is full of intense action and suspense. We see Eleven use her powers like never before, as she battles not only the Mind Flayer but also her own inner demons. The stakes are high as the fate of Hawkins, Indiana, hangs in the balance.

The Drama

But it's not all action. There's plenty of emotional drama in this episode as well. We see the bond between the kids grow even stronger as they face their greatest challenge yet. And we see heart-warming moments between the parents as they come to terms with their own fears and weaknesses.

The Verdict

Overall, season 2, episode 10 of "Stranger Things" is a satisfying conclusion to an already fantastic season. The writing is strong, the acting is top-notch, and the special effects are impressive. This episode leaves us feeling fulfilled and yet eager for what's to come in season 3.

If you haven't watched "Stranger Things" yet, what are you waiting for? This show has it all – action, drama, comedy, and a healthy dose of '80s nostalgia. And with three seasons already released, you can binge-watch to your heart's content.