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Serialyvam.ru - "Game of Thrones" Season 5, Episode 5 Review

"Game of Thrones" season 5 takes the audience on a wild ride of twists and turns, and episode 5, titled "Kill the Boy," is no exception. Here's a quick rundown of what happened in this episode and what makes it stand out:

The Storyline

The episode begins with Jon Snow arriving at the Wildlings' camp, seeking the help of Tormund Giantsbane to bring the Wildlings south to fight against the White Walkers. Meanwhile, Daenerys faces a difficult decision as she tries to bring peace to Meereen by marrying one of the leaders of the city. And back at Castle Black, Sam Tarly convinces Jon to take action to protect Gilly and her baby.

What Makes It Stand Out

This episode is notable for its emphasis on the growth and development of certain characters. Jon Snow, previously seen as a somewhat naive and inexperienced young man, shows leadership and decisiveness as he negotiates with the Wildlings and confronts the Night's Watch. Daenerys also shows a more vulnerable side as she grapples with her responsibilities as a queen and the pressures of ruling a city.

Additionally, the episode's themes of sacrifice and duty are prominent throughout. Jon Snow's decision to execute a traitor and ally with the Wildlings is a difficult one, but ultimately one he believes is necessary to protect the North. Similarly, Daenerys must decide whether to marry for political gain or follow her heart, putting her duty to her people before her own desires.

Overall, "Kill the Boy" is a standout episode of "Game of Thrones" season 5, showcasing the growth of key characters and their struggles with duty and sacrifice. If you haven't seen it yet, be prepared for an intense and emotional hour of television.

Final Verdict: 9/10

Note: This article is solely the opinion of the author and does not represent the views of Serialyvam.ru or its affiliates.