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Serialyvam.ru | The Flash: Season 6 Episode 2


Episode 2 of Season 6 of The Flash is titled "A Flash of the Lightning". In the episode, Barry's determination to find answers about the Crisis event and his impending death leads him to follow a prophecy.


Barry travels to meet the Monitor and discovers that he and his team need to go to Earth-3 to get a device that will help them stop the Anti-Monitor. The Monitor warns that in order for them to succeed, sacrifices must be made.

Meanwhile, Iris worries about the new threat to her husband and sets out to find answers on her own. She ultimately learns about a new organization called Blackhole that has a vested interest in the future of Central City.

Back on Earth-1, Caitlin and Killer Frost deal with a new meta-human who has the ability to disable technology, and Joe investigates the death of a meta-human at Iron Heights Prison.


The main cast for this episode includes:


"A Flash of the Lightning" sets the stage for the impending Crisis event while also introducing new threats for Team Flash to face. The episode highlights the theme of sacrifices and the lengths that people will go to in order to protect their loved ones. With each passing episode, the stakes continue to rise for the characters and the anticipation for the Crisis event builds.