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Unfortunately, the provided text "serialyvam.ru/ajax/WYb2AQwB6xXOnYjJaa6JXEEwLQ6ju8AIR8ntnm2zXS3pioMklC9rfWt720f98BYWNCAJLS4JDhYrQBZ4NE4rDmtUGTw~LQRSUxdrGQIeMUcmck8TCRsqf1JqBV8" does not seem to be a valid topic or content for an article.

Markdown syntax is used for formatting text on various platforms, such as websites, forums, and note-taking applications. It allows you to add headings, bold or italicize text, create lists, insert links or images, and more. However, without an appropriate topic or content, it is not possible to demonstrate markdown formatting.

Please provide a suitable topic or content, and I will be happy to help you create an article and format it using markdown.