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Извините, а если Вконтакте страницу удаляют - она подлежит восстановлению, или уже только новую создавать?

Social media has become a big part of our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends and family, share our thoughts and experiences, and even promote our businesses. One of the most popular social media platforms in Russia is Vkontakte (VK), which has millions of users. However, sometimes we may unintentionally delete our VK page, and the question arises – can it be restored, or do we need to create a new one?

VK page deletion

First of all, let's clarify the reasons why a VK page may be deleted. The most common cause is user's request - someone decides to delete their profile, and VK's support team executes this request. Also, the page can be deleted if a user violates VK's community rules, such as uploading inappropriate content or spamming. In such cases, VK may block the page and delete it permanently.

VK page restoration possibilities

Now let's get back to the main question - can a VK page be restored after it has been deleted? The answer is not straightforward and depends on the reason for the deletion.

User-requested deletion

If a user deleted their VK page, they have 7 days to restore it. During this time, the user can log in to VK and find the option "Beta version" at the top of the page. Clicking on it will lead to a message suggesting to restore the profile. After clicking on "Restore," the VK page will be reactivated.

VK community rules violations

If a VK page has been deleted due to a violation of community rules or other policies, it is unlikely that it can be restored. VK usually permanently deletes such profiles and does not allow their restoration. However, users can file a request with VK's support team, explaining their situation, and ask for a review of their account. There is no guarantee that the page will be restored, but it is worth giving it a try.


In conclusion, VK pages can be restored if they have been deleted by the user within 7 days after the deletion. If the page has been deleted due to a violation of VK's community rules or other policies, it may be permanently deleted, but users can try to file a request with VK's support team. However, the best solution is always to make sure to keep your profile safe and avoid any violations that could lead to its deletion.